Yang is Nothing, Yin is All

To life there is two sides of the coin

To death there is but one

A winding river has two banks 

No matter how wide

Eventually, there will be a bridge 

Between the divide 

From the hawks eye view 

There never was a divide between the two

But for me and you

Despite all we know

We can't make it to the other shore 

Without getting soaked

We crawl on our stomach 

Forced to eat dirt 

Mud caked on our bellies 

Shall we now rise by the fire side

Wise as serpents 

Insightful as the hawks 

Our hearts a double sided chalice 

Simultaneously filled fully up

Rivers of helix's 

And green pastures of double bonds

One side rooted in Earth

The other rains down from the sky

This be the whole of life

The view from the two sides

In the East they call it Yang

In the West we pretend it is all that exists 

Manifested light

Thinking itself as whole

Feeling so proud 

Over a whole lot of nothing 

Where should I begin?

Have you heard of Yin?

She hides in the shadows 

Sometimes masquerading as the light

She controls it all

Unlike these Earthly bitches

She don't need a phallus to be complete 

There is only nothing that she needs

An inversion of an inversion it would seem

As I said before

Life's coin has two sides

One whole and visible 

One void and dark

But death ain't got but one

It's whole on It's own

I asked Yin to sum It all up in one phrase 

She said

"Impossible! It's nothing but a maze!"

Then sighed 

"But if I had to try

It's just a void within a void

Yet, that is but one side of the coin"

A bow and a wink

The veiled goddess slid back behind her curtain 

A black dot is all she left me 

But that's all I need 

I now find my certainties in the uncertainties 

I find It in the beauty of life's impersonal personality

Bubbles of air fill the babbling brook 

At the bottom of the sea 

Volcanoes rage with Hells infernal glow 

If the elements can dance in such a way

Why should we not think?

That Heaven and Earth should be so

As above, so below 

It isn't always a bad thing 

To reap what you sow 

Reflections of A Tightrope Walker

In pavement turns start to swell

Right or left?

Left or right?

Who can be sure?

Relief fills they mind

Of all those who say


In pavement turns start to swell

Leading straight to an Old Man

Who informs us

"All is well"

Neither God

Nor The Devil

Nor the animals

See the road as you can see

"If your only desire

Is to desire

The incompletion

Will forever be the completion

Of the conception

In which you will never conceive"

The Old Man tells you

"No roads lead beyond me"

He says

Hiking up his gi

To show you his yoni

You start to say something

But he tells you


So you just observe

A single string

He has unwoven off his gi

Index and thumb together

All other fingers peacocking out

"Focus on the line"

He says

Bringing the thread above his head

"I am but a murky brown pond"

And indeed he now is

But your focus is now on the line

That somehow is now below your feet

Like a tight rope walker

You walk the line

"Look down below"

Says the Murky Brown Pond

You do as you are told

There is no reflection

But mud

On the banks of the pond

The Grim Reaper plays a violin

While a Veiled Goddess

Sings hypnotic hymns

"To accept

Is to deny denial

Even in accepting

Thee will always be denying


That you will always be in denial


That you will always be accepting

If Time be hollow

Then Space and Gravity dance a dance

Which holds no moral

What is the whole cosmos?

But the roots to a single tree

A Willow

That weeps for you and me


Its secrets are held above

Inscriptions that are reflected

Only in the Unconscious

We don't know what they mean

All we can know

Is that pain is Love"

The line begins to tremble

You feel not so nimble

Right as your about to fall

You think

"I wonder if Narcissus

Could fall in love with mud?"

Balance has lost your feet

You close your eyes

And prepare to enter

An old mans mind

You feel ripples

Against your skin

When you open your eyes

You realize

The ripples is your gi

It feels like Heaven

Next to your skin

A single pillow as your throne

In a Temple of The Skulls

You hear a voice

Of a young person approaching


They say

In pavement turns start to swell

Their swollen paths

Have led someone to you

And all you can mutter is

"All is Well"

Velvet Dreams

I wanna live in a velvet kingdom

Cozy and smooth

Dark and subtle even in the light

Our true essence

Forget the skin

All fleshy and pink

I long for something else

To clothe my conscious mind


That's the dream

A velvet kingdom

Merge with the velvet Earth

And swim in the velvet dirt

Comfy worms without nasty, slimy skin

Waterfalls of silky smooth delight

Nature's most preferable bedsheet

Is everywhere within your sight

The homeless have no issue here

Even business men sometimes nap

On these fuzzy streets

We will gather together

And rejoice in all our comfy desires

Chop down some velvet wood

And start a velvet fire

Sip on some velvet wine

And make awkward velvet eye contact

Slide away from the others

Weave together our very beings

And make all our velvet dreams come true

No More Zodiac, No More Destiny

Ra in June

All the way

Till time starts to fall behind

Empires of abundance

Reduced to dust

Nostalgia for a time

I've apparently never even known

Why is it?

When darkness arises

And the silence illuminates the light

That a musk follows behind

Reminding the mind

That there is no mind to remind

I lay on the ground

And press rewind

Watch the clouds float backwards

Watch the land flux up and down

The mountains do push ups

While the Earth quakes 

And brings them crashing down

Watch the cosmos uncreate itself

The vast and lively space

Planets and stars

Screaming to be remade

As they coalesce

Like a stream flowing to the ocean

Trickling into the box

From which they came

Pandora learned her lesson

A valuable one to know

Now all that is left is a mandala

Split into twelve parts

Ticking like a clock

My face appears in the center

Remaining unchanged

Shaking hands with Prometheus

While Zeus flees the scene

The demon of light

And the angel of darkness

Start a bonfire

Everything in existence joining in

To listen to their tales

Of how the one giant soul

Separated itself infinitely

So that it could love itself subjectively

The sun never arose

And we danced and sang all night

Eternal energy for all

No more sleep

No more fights

Our tears flowed like wine

All encompassing peace was all we had ever known

Eventually, the bonfire burnt out

So now we have all just decided to play hide and seek