Gnome Grown Melody

Moaning woods painted in dew

Dripping with the nectar of life

Castles grown from breathing mushrooms 

They grew into an orchestra too

Conductor yells, "OVERTURE"

A fox with his spectacle in place

Sitting in section 9D

Walks to the front of the stage 


The beastly crowd cheered 

Suddenly the conductor disappeared 

Out of their chairs and dancing around the stage

The orchestra slowly coalesced into just one shroom

It formed a violin from the dirt 

And a bow from the feather of a phoenix 

Who flew from many light years away

Just to pay homage for what was about to go down

That familiar melody began

A mysterious vibration 

More than mere music 

But more of what is known as intoxication 

The forest began to permeate 

With a deep, purple smoke

It smelled like incense and sex

Slowly filling in the woody pavilion

Flowing like a stream of silk and cream

Until the beasts 

Couldn't see their hands in front of their face

A symphony of darkness entered their nostrils 

Infesting their mind

Destroying the illusion 

That involves space and time

No sense of separation remained 

Only the consciousness of one single being

Who just happened to hold the key

To every single thing

Puffing on his herbs 

Sipping on his foam

Casting spells with a single glance of the eyes

The Grand Master Gnome 

Leaped up from his Celtic throne

Glad to no longer be dreaming 

He knew he didn't have long

It was of the upmost importance 

That he make the most of his time awake

Walking to the pantry 

Inside he found a legion of jarred mushrooms

Taking a jar and spreading it all

Across a left over pizza 

Folding the whole pizza over like a taco

And eating it in just one bite

Washing it down with some electric Kool-Aid

Jumping straight out of his kitchen window 

Onto the back of a giant butterfly 

It took him so high

That they ended up underground 

Darkness filled the scene 

"A new beginning"

Rang a voice from nowhere in particular

"Bindu is awake"

Echoed another 

There was a single seed

Fire raged within it 

Exploding through the ground 

And expanding infinitely

Off the quiet planet 

Into the deepest recesses of space

A green so crystalized it appeared as if it was white 

The demigods sang Christmas carols 

For the cosmic tree had once more

Made its way to town

It's being contained none other than

The Grand Master Gnome himself 

With cherry filled eyes

And the biggest smile on his face

He wrapped himself in a starry filled leaf 

Lighting his own head and just letting go

Satan was the only other one invited to join in

"It sure is good to be back Mr. Claus"

He said to The Devil as he passed himself over

"You don't even know how good it is

To smoke your face

God's been cracking down

All I've been able to get is the fairy weed

Some gnome grown shit is just what I need"

As he was chiefing on the last bit of the roach

The cannabified gnome said 

"Air plane me bitch"

The Devil replied 

"Sweet dreams"

And the request was granted 

Sending him directly to the belly of the beast 

The animals scattered around the forest once more

In their eyes 

A fragmented piece of the Grand Master 

That was all but forgotten 

Beasts of the land with no recollection 

Of their magical divinity 

Simple minded beings 

Patiently waiting 

To once more be taken away

By the Gnome Grown Melody 

Electric Farm

Pastel blues

A cartoony looking chicken coop

The dirt was alive

It was swimming around

The worms drove big tractors

And wore big cowboy hats

If you measured their length

You would surely faint

The crops flowed in a steady motion

As if on some organic conveyor belt

Gophers would occasionally jump out like dolphins

Then sink right back into the Earth

The carrots had arms

And mouths to sing

They sang victory songs all day and night

About the injustices of life

And how they were more than just rabbit food

The eggplants

Old and wise

Said nothing at all and just laughed

Knowing life is a cycle

They rejoiced in the idea

Of being put in parmesan and some marinara

The barn, once far in the distance, was floating near

Bobbing up and down just like a bouncy house

Swam right up to me

Notch unlatched

Doors swung open

There was the boss farmer

A beautiful, upright walking cow

She walked over to me

Unbuttoned one side of her overalls

And let me suck one of those plump utters

I closed my eyes

And just enjoyed that sweet cream

It was electric

Energized my very being

I bowed before Mother cow

She let out a long "Mooo"

The Book of Life

Aspects of an unknown self

Hiding way up high

On an old and dusty shelf

The dust bunnies remember your name

And snicker into the darkness

When you ask them


That ancient book you forgot you knew

Is staring back at you

Much to your surprise

It too has a face

Of a very old woman

That appears older than time itself

Yet reminds you of a little girl

She gives you a lovely greeting

And appears to know everything about you

Explains you've come to the right place

Her head gradually transforms into an ibis

Flies off the front cover

As she flaps away she tells you

"Look inside

It has everything you need"

Before you met this book

You were in no mood to read

But all that has happened

Has piqued your curiosity

Holding the enormous thing in your hands

Staring at the blank cover

Just wondering what in the fuck

Could possibly be inside

When you open it up

You can't believe your eyes

There isn't a single word

Written on a single page

A blank book

That has everything you need?

"Maybe I need nothing"

You think


There must be more"

You also think

Looking at a random blank page

Imagining what this could all mean

You begin to see

Something appearing on the page

It slowly fades into view

Swimming freely around the page

Like a koi in a pond

Takes you a minute to realize that it is a poppy plant

Stem flowing like the tail of fish

An unbloomed green ball swimming about

Grabbing the flowing tail

Stopping it in its tracks

Is the sexiest lady you have ever seen

Wearing no clothes

But the ones she came into the world with


As if in a day dream

She is wielding a knife

Slicing the poppy bulb in tiny cuts

Letting all the milky fluid fall into a wooden bowl

Then cutting her palm and mixing some blood in

A wild elixir

For this wild lady

Her hair is untamed

And she is acting completely insane

Stirring the elixir with her pinky nail

Then spilling it all across the page

It begins to take form

Into a glowing sapphire gem

That shines unlike any drawing you've ever seen

A divine glow was emanating off this page

She holds the gem in her hand

And crushes it with brute strength

Into a million tiny crystal shards

Pulls out a golden syringe and a golden spoon

Placing the shards into the oval-shaped nook

Liquifying it with fire that sparks 

From her magic fingers

Then shooting the crystal stream directly

Into her arm

She lets out a deep moan

Then begins to change form

Back to an earlier state

It appears to be a psychedelic-cocoon

Some type of cosmic egg

Born again

Like a majestic butterfly

The egg cracks open

Out flies a half unicorn, half dragon creature

Adorned with twelve stars dancing around its head

The page turns black as night

With a little light shining

From a newly formed crescent moon

The beast lets out a ball of fire

Which dissipates into smoke

Which in turn forms into a log

Sitting on top appears the Piper Pan

Blowing the eeriest melody

Directly from his heart

Every note visible to the eye

Following each note 

Is an old man sitting on a crocodile

The crocodile eats each one

And the old man sings a corresponding pitch

That is exactly a fifth away

These four entities swirl about the book

Stuck on a strange trippy loop

All making a pilgrimage to the center of the page

Conjoining into one entity

That begins to shine brightly

Just as bright as the sun outside

You are forced to cover your eyes

When the illumination begins to fade

Back you look to the book

The face of the ibis is there again

Slowly morphing back into that ancient little girl

"Tell me"

You say

"What is the moral of the story?"

"There is none"

She says

As she transforms into a black sun

It then says to you 

"Your mind is a prison 

Think wisely if you wish to be free

You are your only enemy"