Dawgs Life

He chewed the end of his cigar

And rotated ice in his whiskey glass

Tail just a waggin'

To the beat of that dawg

Up there tearing up the keys

They approached him

Said they needed to talk in the alley

He didn't sense any danger

So he said, "Alrighty, sure, why not?"

They headed out that way

When they got there

Those dawgs got straight to business

"Wanna buy two pounds 

Of some Afghani-smack?"

His tailed started wagging real fast

"Make it three"

Brown parcel and money exchanged

They shot him a little sample

He strolled back into the cozy candle-lit room

A bird was now on sax

He was happier now 

Then he had ever been in the past

A hustler who knew how to have fun too

"You scratch my belly

I'll scratch yours"

Was always his mentality

No gangsters messed with him

Too cool to be taken out

Even the police felt that way

He struts around with sunglasses on 

All day and all night

"What it is Snoopy"

He'll say to his random friend

"Let's all give a round of applause

To my dawg snoop dawg"

Cigarette smoke clouds the room

Music kicked up a notch

Deranged howls from the crowd

This dawg was gonna turn this mutha' out

He makes his way to the back room

Where the musicians stay

Tied up their arms

And let all their cares float away

If only for a moment

The dawgs life can sometimes

Reduce a dawg to nothing


Their not sure how to handle

Mercy, mercy, mercy

On their dawg souls

For one day they will be lions anyway

Sea of Nothing

A silent hymn of praise

I sing to darkness everyday

Nothing came from nothing

And nothing will go back to nothing

Language is a sea

It will take you wherever you want to go

Whatever you want to see

But the captain abandoned ship

Long ago

All that is left

Is you and the horizon

Drop your anchor

At anytime

Any day

Past, present, future

It's all in your mind

Just say the word

And there you will be

Atlantis is far beneath

The ocean blue

But with a single thought

You could be too

Thoughts are but a bubble in your mind

Enter the bubble

And be transported through time

Or pop the bubble

And calm the mind

A silent hymn of praise

I sing to darkness everyday

Nothing came from nothing

And nothing will go back to nothing

Primus Nu

All sorrows are but shadows

That will surely dissipate

What remains 

Is not of Light

Nor of Night

But that which is given unto Man

Shall be for Him to choose

But what is taken from Him?

For nothing is to lose

All sorrows are but shades

Hero's are born to Die

Unless they martyr for Death's reign

Than to Live

Is the same

To them as to Die

When the King has been given his Crown

No where on Earth

Will He be found

Experiencing sex within a suit

The fire will burn

Leaving only Soot

Nuit's traverse

Let's chaos loose

All sorrows are but Night

Bringing forth The Holy Light

Out of Darkness came The Truth

That All Things

Are Ever New


Send me a bowl filled with both

Water and fire

Their very way

Of overcoming 

The other

Is to breathe

Thanks to air

When you send me a bowl

Filled with opposites


There is nothing

Nothing left

But the breath

Send me a bowl

And the ramifications

Will be infinite in proportions

Fire will become water

Water will become fire

By the time the meaning

Has taken its time to transpire

There will be nothing left to see

But luckily

Air isn't just nothing to me

Send me a bowl

And I will show you

The symbol

Of meaningless meaning

You may look and see nothing

But air is not made for our eyes to see

Its purpose is to breathe

To be as free as the wind

Send me a bowl

And the magic I will concoct

Will let you see

That there is nothing to see

My Queen is a Reptile

Slithering behind the scenes

Resting on the wings

Of abstract dreams

My queen holds out her hidden hand

And gestures towards me

I can see freedom in her slitted eyes

A primordial reflection

Of the land before time

The Dark Lands

Not an actual tangible place

But a state of mind

It's what you've always known

Yet you forget every single morning

When you open your eyes

You are the direct reflection of your day

A day built upon lies

Lies aren't necessarily bad

But a lie is a lie

Come home at the end of the day

Go ahead and give all your lies to your bed

Take off your disguise

Close your eyes

Venture into The Dark Land

The land before time

A primordial reflection

Of all that is

All that will ever be

That is where you will catch her slithering

Where there is no where to go

Where there is nothing to see

Driving down the astral highway

In my cosmic car

Just about to pass Saturn

When I see a hitch hiker

She walked with a limp

And from one look at her eyes

I could tell she was a familiar stranger

"What is goin' on gurl?"

I say to the beautiful lady entering the door

She gently caresses my arm

Glides her head over as if to give me

A kiss on the neck

I give a little moan

And then she gives me a little bite

Two holes in my neck begin spewing blood

Instinctively I jump out of the car

Drifting off into the void

Blood shooting from my neck

Floating down into the triple darkness of space

I realize it is actually nothing but a womb

Like a shooting star I came into life

Not in a hospital bed

But in a castle made of gold

Birthed directly on the dinning room table

The hitch hiker I picked up in my last life

Is now sitting at the very head

With a fork and knife in hand

Licking her mouth with her slitted tounge

My little baby life hasn't even begun

Isn't it just such a pity

To be born

Just to be eaten

By our reptilian queen

Once a Toad, Always a Toad

The cloak was a little tight

But he felt alright

A fresh meal he just scored

For free too

He was on duty protecting the toad kingdom

Some human boy randomly appeared 

In front of the gate

Looking wide eyed and confused

The boy didn't know the password to get in

So our toady friend Bragi preceded to eat him

Proper procedure is to send

Unwanted, confused guest

Back from which they came

But today Bragi was hungry

And human is an exotic meal for this land

"No one will find out about this

It'll be our little secret"

He said to the boy digesting in his belly

For the next two hours he just rubbed his food baby

And thought about his lily pad and Susana

Every so often he'd get really excited

Then swell up like a balloon

And let out a long croak

Soon it was time for him to clock out

High five the warty gentlemen relieving him

Hanging the cloak up for the day

He had the next three days off

Waddling away

He felt everything was more than okay

Little did he know

Some human spirits were on their way 

To pay him a visit

They caught him just as he was about to reach home

"Hello Mr. Bragi"

Said the spirits

Tapping him on the shoulder

And revealing themselves before his eyes

"Buddy why don't you just leave me al...."

He turned around

And knew right away

Spirits of humanity were seeking justice

For a debt he had to pay

They came all in one body

Of which was composed of part owl, snake and cow

A hideously beautiful creature

That made this toads skin all crawly


They spoke in unison

"Every action has a reaction

You have acted

So it is time for reaction"

Bragi was a level six wizard

A master in the toad kingdom

As the spirits were talking

He was drawing a sigil in the dirt

With his magic wand

But the spirits saw this fool doing this

And smacked his wand away

Then smacked him in his slimy face

"Listen here toad scum your options are limited

We suggest you choose wisely"

His toady fingers dancing away

Trying anything to throw out a magic hand sign

But all in vain

"Well whats my options?"

The spirits transformed into a glowing violet orb

And engulfed him

Took him to the most depressing dimension 

Of all time

Just a giant glass pyramid room

With nothing inside but vast space

And just a tiny, almost microscopic hole 

At the very top

All you could see outside was sand

One particle at a time the sand fell through the hole

"Okay option one is to stay here

Till all the sand finally drops in and kills you"

"Alright well what is option two?"

"Become human"

He shuddered

Was obviously visibly shaken

"How long will it take for the sand to fall in?"

"We're not sure how to say the number 

It is too long"

It was all happening so fast

One minute he was ten steps away from Susana

The next he is locked into paying debts to spirits

"Please just kill me"

The spirits were now just floating eyes and grins

Laughing and bouncing around the room

"No toad scum

Choose now or we shall choose for you"

He sighed

"I'll try out humanity"

They let out demonic cackles

"As you wish toad boy"

Suddenly the hole at the top of the room 

Opened all the way

All the sand was flowing in like a tidal wave

Awaking and jumping almost ten feet out of bed

The boy arose

Standing instantly on his toes

Sweat pouring from every pore

A big bag of mushrooms on the floor

Amnesia was his best friend

For he would not want to know where he had been

All he knew

Was that in some odd way

He felt somewhat toady today

That Magic Night

She gave me the sign

I began to wave

There were many things we both had to say

But they were too abstract to relay

So we decided to talk in mental images

It was always a surprise

We didn't even know what we were gonna say

We did the little ritualistic dance

With the candles and incense burning

Soon we were in that old familiar place

There it smells the way you think

That purple would taste

If you know what I mean

A very quiet place

The communion of two souls

Staring collectively at our very own minds combined

Just watching

Quietly observing

From almost infinity away a cube was approaching

Had the face of a horribly ugly man

Almost demonic looking

It was crying heavily

We knew why

There was nothing to buy in the void of our mind

And we guess he left his wallet at home

We suggested he go ahead 

And try creating something

What else is there to do in an empty void?

He looked stunned


Like he was seeing something we weren't

Then his eyes rolled back in his cubicle head

He whispered

"I was never even here"

Then the cube imploded

The shock waves were heading our way

When it reached us it sent us through a tiny tunnel

Pastel rainbows of the softest light

Shining each and every way

We realized we were in a cave

Made of holy stained glass windows 

With heavenly iridescence

Pearls of light giving birth to night

Then murdering night with a big hunting knife

Drinking its blood with a bendy straw

Laughing at us because we thought light

Was an alright guy

Little did we know

He was a psychopath this whole time

Night approached us from the back

Ha ha!

We knew he could never die

"Now that you've been down the tunnel of day 

Why don't you ride the tunnel of night?"

"Wow he's actually a nice guy"

Was the first thought to enter our minds

"Come children I'll show you the way"

Grabbed our hands and we went on in

What we experienced is beyond words

Beyond sound

Beyond emotions

A primordial soup that we all drink from

Unconsciously everyday

So close

Yet so far away

Father night tipped his diamond crusted hat

And gave us a smile full of golden teeth

All we can really say

Is that we now have peace

At the end of the day

We know it is all going to be okay

Wizard Time

A Wizard is never late

Nor is he early 

He arrives 


When he means to
